Living in a hostile country: the migrant and unbelonging in contemporary Brexit literature

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This article will assess the situation of migrant ‘others’ in Britain post-Brexit. It will develop my established research interests in the situation of EU citizens in the UK in a new direction by looking at the impact Brexit has had on non-EU citizens living in the UK. Utilising Rosa Mas Giralt's concept of unbelonging, it will offer a close-reading of Isabel Dupuy’s Citation2019 novel Living the Dream and argue that Brexit, generally considered a Britain and EU issue, has affected individual lives, problematised identities and destroyed family units beyond that usual demographic. This wider gaze will allow for a more rounded understanding of the impacts of Brexit.
Original languageEnglish
JournalSocial Identities
Early online date22 Aug 2023
Publication statusEarly online - 22 Aug 2023


  • Brexit
  • Unbelonging
  • Isabelle Dupuy
  • Othering


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