Loan officers and clients' over-indebtedness prevention. The case of Banco Adopem

Joana Da Silva Afonso

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Loan officers act as the interface between microfinance institutions and clients, and as previous research has shown, they are particularly relevant in the screening and recovery phases. Given that these two stages of the credit process are considered critical in over-indebtedness prevention strategies, it is expected that credit officers have a key role at this level. However, the case study developed at Banco ADOPEM based on field observations and statistical analysis of data collected from the institution’s management information system showed that for ADOPEM there were institutional factors outweighing the individual influence of loan officers. Among them, the human resources’ policies and the standardization of procedures were vital and helped build a strong corporate culture.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)43-75
    JournalSavings and Development
    VolumeSpecial Issue - UMM Master Awards 2014
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2015


    • Latin America
    • Loan Officers
    • Microcredit
    • Over-indebtedness


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