Location Management - Thirtle, G.

Charlie Watts (Editor)

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationEditorial


    If I think back to last May, I was just finishing my second year at the University of Portsmouth, studying Television and Broadcasting, and winding down for the summer. Then out of the blue I got a message from my course leader, saying I might be getting a call from someone who was a location manager working for Raider productions, you know, the production company behind the upcoming Tomb Raider film, I mean, what!? The call was an invitation for me to come help out in a London location to set up for a shoot that would take place that weekend. No big deal, right? Huge deal!! If anyone knows me, one of the first things anyone will say is I am a massive Tomb Raider fan, so being given the chance to work behind the scenes for a shoot for the next film was pretty surreal for me, but how could I refuse such a huge opportunity? So that week, I was London bound.
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationKitPlus
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Mar 2018


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