Management for engineers

C. Chapman, D. Cooper, Mike Page

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    This new text provides an introduction to management for engineering students and professional engineers moving into the area of management. It does not attempt to provide an integrated approach to management as this would be unconvincing and divorced from management as it is currently practised. It does, however, provide appropriate links and aims to make intelligible the structure of organizations, the thinking of the managers operating within them, the procedures they can adopt to tackle the problems facing them, and the nature of these problems. The book uses a quantitative treatment of selected topics with sufficient depth to motivate engineering students, yet incorporates essential descriptive material. The authors of this much needed text have all taught management to engineers for some time, often as part of a team, and each provides a different perspective on the topic. The clear presentation, in-depth treatment of selected topics and end-of-chapter exercises all help to provide a sound basis for student and professional development in a management context.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationChichester
    Number of pages654
    ISBN (Print)0471916161
    Publication statusPublished - 1987


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