Managers and employees perceptions of the effectiveness of the HR function in building employee engagement within government museums in Qatar

Samantha Stokes-Baydur, Raymond Gary Rees

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    The topic of employee engagement remains central to many HR academic and practitioner debates. Whilst the origins of the term Employee Engagement (EE) can be traced back to Khan in 1990, the MacLeod Report (2009) prompted further interest in the UK. Whilst the concept of EE has academic interest and research attached to it, the question arises as to what role the Human Resources function has in nurturing, developing and reaping the benefits from EE.

    The main research objectives (ROs) of this investigation were:
    1. How do managers and employees perceive the effectiveness of the HRF?
    2. Who do managers and employees believe is responsible for Employee Engagement and what is Human Resources role?
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-5
    JournalHR Bulletin: Research and Practice
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2014


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