Marginal groups in marginal times: Gypsy and Traveller parents and home education in England, UK

Kalwant Bhopal, Martin Myers

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    This article examines the experiences of home education for Gypsy and Traveller groups in England, UK. We argue that home education is perceived in a particular historical ‘moment’ characterised in the media and more generally throughout society by ‘risk’. Against this backdrop this article considers Gypsy and Traveller experiences of home education and their relationships with local education authorities. Drawing on case study data with 10 Gypsy and Traveller families living on the south coast of England we argue that the marginal status of Gypsy and Traveller families exposes them to particular vulnerabilities associated with failure, incompetence and lack of concern regarding the education of their children. This is further heightened in present day ‘risk society’. Drawing on the work of Ulrich Beck, we suggest home education is both a reaction to the risks associated with modernisation and also a perceived risk in itself when equated with issues of child protection and welfare. Despite maintaining community networks and longstanding traditions of home education, Gypsy and Traveller lifestyles are still perceived as being at risk within a ‘moment’ in which home education is under scrutiny.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)5–20
    JournalBritish Educational Research Journal
    Issue number1
    Early online date4 Jul 2015
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2016


    • gypsy
    • Roma
    • traveller
    • home education
    • home schooling
    • Beck
    • risk
    • risk society
    • risk culture


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