Marketing communications: interactivity, communities and content

Chris Fill

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    Marketing Communications, 5th edition is the most complete and accessible introduction to marketing communications on the market. It combines breadth of coverage with a student-friendly style; and is an essential resource for Marketing and business degree students studying Marketing modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level. This new edition has an exciting and modern new design and is structured into 6-parts: the first 2 sections focus on what Marketing Communications is and how it works; Parts 3 and 4 look at the practical management and tools of Marketing Communications; and, new to this edition, Part 5 covers its emerging relationships with the media. Finally part 6 covers its connection to special audiences. Offered with this new 5th edition at are podcasts by the author, video cases that accompany each part, and direction to key adademic papers in marketing communications. Students and tutors can also share their marketing communications essays, thoughts, ideas, and favourite campaigns and papers.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationHarlow
    Number of pages1000
    ISBN (Print)9780273717225
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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