Matter effects on LIGO/Virgo searches for gravitational waves from merging neutron stars

Torrey Cullen, Ian Harry, Jocelyn Read, Eric Flynn

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Gravitational waves from merging neutron stars are expected to be observed in the next 5 years. We explore the potential impact of matter effects on gravitational waves from merging double neutron-star binaries. If neutron star binaries exist with chirp masses less than roughly 1 solar mass and typical neutron-star radii are larger than roughly 14 km, or if neutron-star radii are larger than 15-16 km for the chirp masses of galactic neutron-star binaries, then matter will have a significant impact on the effectiveness of a point-particle-based search at Advanced LIGO design sensitivity (roughly 5% additional loss of signals). In a configuration typical of LIGO's first observing run, extreme matter effects lead to up to 10% potential loss in the most extreme cases.
Original languageEnglish
Article number245003
Number of pages14
JournalClassical and Quantum Gravity
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 20 Nov 2017


  • gr-qc


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