Measuring cosmological parameters with type Ia Supernovae in redMaGiC galaxies

DES Collaboration, L. Kelsey, E. Macaulay, D. Bacon, D. Thomas

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Current and future cosmological analyses with Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) face three critical challenges: (i) measuring the redshifts from the SNe or their host galaxies; (ii) classifying the SNe without spectra; and (iii) accounting for correlations between the properties of SNe Ia and their host galaxies. We present here a novel approach that addresses each of these challenges. In the context of the Dark Energy Survey (DES), we analyze an SN Ia sample with host galaxies in the redMaGiC galaxy catalog, a selection of luminous red galaxies. redMaGiC photo-z estimates are expected to be accurate to σΔz/(1+z) ∼ 0.02. The DES-5YR photometrically classified SN Ia sample contains approximately 1600 SNe, and 125 of these SNe are in redMaGiC galaxies. We demonstrate that redMaGiC galaxies almost exclusively host SNe Ia, reducing concerns relating to classification uncertainties. With this subsample, we find similar Hubble scatter (to within ∼0.01 mag) using photometric redshifts in place of spectroscopic redshifts. With detailed simulations, we show that the bias due to using redMaGiC photo-zs on the measurement of the dark energy equation of state w is up to Δw ∼ 0.01–0.02. With real data, we measure a difference in w when using the redMaGiC photo-zs versus the spec-zs of Δw = 0.005. Finally, we discuss how SNe in redMaGiC galaxies appear to comprise a more standardizable population, due to a weaker relation between color and luminosity (β) compared to the DES-3YR population by ∼5σ. These results establish the feasibility of performing redMaGiC SN cosmology with photometric survey data in the absence of spectroscopic data.
Original languageEnglish
Article number62
Number of pages15
JournalThe Astrophysical Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 13 Oct 2022


  • astro-ph.CO
  • UKRI
  • MRC
  • MR/T01881X/1
  • STFC


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