Mixed methods evaluations for understanding impact on patient outcomes and work practice

Rebecca Randell, Dawn Dowding, Philip James Scott, Andrew Georgiou

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Two approaches to evaluation of health IT predominate: clinical trials that focus on patient outcomes and qualitative studies that explore the impact of health IT on work practice. The intention of this workshop, organised by the EFMI Human and Organisational Factors (HOFMI) Working Group and Assessment of Health Information Systems (EVAL) Working Group, is to demonstrate that it does not need to be, and should not be, a choice between these two distinct approaches. The organisers will provide examples from their own work where they have sought to bridge this divide through the use of mixed methods evaluations. The goal is to encourage researchers to engage in mixed methods evaluations by presenting a range of possible designs.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 Aug 2016
EventMedical Informatics Europe - Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
Duration: 28 Aug 20162 Sept 2016


ConferenceMedical Informatics Europe


  • methods
  • informatics
  • evaluation
  • evidence-based practice
  • research design


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