More and less than conversation

Belinda Mitchell (Photographer)

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    The exhibition engaged with emergent work that examines the effective productions of a 16th Century manor house, in Portsmouth, within the phenomenological context of PIRG, a research group at Winchester School of Art, SoU. Wymering Manor is being used as a case study to test and develop research methods, to examine alternative approaches to space-making, --dialogue, writing, drawing and image-- that foreground the sensory and poetic aspects of the built environment.

    ‘More or less than conversation,’ supported previous works as, ‘Interior Archaeologies,’ Perth 2012; ‘Thinking through drawing: Sites of exchange,’ Nordes 2013, ‘Silent conversations,’ Winchester Cathedral 2013; ‘materialising conversations,’ University of Portsmouth 2014 and ‘Making conversation,’ RMIT Melbourne 2014. These works are situated within architectural and drawing discourses, they aim to develop sensory language and embodied methodologies with which to engage with the built environment. The works use the through the too and fro of drawing, of conversation, and the slippage between the two to create alternative ways to make space from the inside out.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherWinchester Gallery
    Sizevarious works
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2016
    EventMore And Less Than Conversation - Southampton, United Kingdom
    Duration: 1 Sept 20163 Sept 2016


    • material
    • converation
    • practice based


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