Multi-criteria decision making: decision making for sustainable public lighting systems

Hassana Abdullahi, Djamila Ouelhadj, Ramazan Esmeli

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


In the context of sustainability and smart cities, public lighting is considered to have a great deal of economic, environmental and social impacts. These can be seen from the point of view of economic costs, energy consumption, harmful emissions, mobility and community integration. The need to reduce environmental impacts, improve energy security and boost economic competitiveness, researchers establish that energy efficient lighting technologies
and their design can significantly impact on street lighting costs and improve other economic, environmental and social impacts. The Smart Light Concepts (SLIC) Project aims to develop a Decision Support Tool (DST) to aid decision makers (policymakers, public lighting authorities, technical expert) in the implementation of the smart public lighting technologies and the selection of optimal actions to take in order to improve the performance of a given public
lighting system in different environments alongside a set of multiple conflicting criteria and constraints; operating costs, investment costs, emissions and health and safety. The DST will contribute towards aiding managing authorities towards an increase in the adoption of lowcarbon technologies and applications in other sectors that have the potential for a high reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. We present the DST conceptual framework, the multicriteria decision making optimisation model, and the economic, environmental and social dimensions. Acknowledgement: We acknowledge and thank the Interreg 2seas Mers Zeeen
European Regional Development Fund for funding the Smart Lights Concept (SLIC) project.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 3 Sept 2019
EventOR61 Annual Conference - University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom
Duration: 3 Sept 20195 Sept 2019


ConferenceOR61 Annual Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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