Multi-disclosures in the context of national cultures: evidence from Islamic banks

Sherif El-Halaby, Khaled Hussainey, Abdullah Al-Maghzom

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    Purpose: We measure the impact of culture on Sharia; Social and Financial Disclosure (SSFD) of islamic Banks around the world.

    Methodology: Content analysis is used to measure levels of disclosure for a sample of 136 Islamic Banks (IBs) of 25 countries for years 2013 and 2014. Different cultural measures are used. These include secrecy/ transparency as suggested by Gray (1988) and Hofstede (1980; 2001; 2010)’s culture dimensions which include power distance; individualism; masculinity; uncertainty avoidance; long term ordination and indulgence. Ordinary least square (OLS) regression is used to test the research hypotheses.

    Findings: After controlling bank-specific; corporate governance and country characteristics; we found that Hofstede’s culture dimensions have a significant impact on SSFD. We also found that transparency dimension based on Gray positively influence levels of sharia; social and aggregated disclosure. Therefore, we conclude that culture influences levels of disclosure in IBs.

    Practical implications: Our study has policy implications for managers and regulators of Islamic banking industry.

    Originality: This study is the first to use both Gray and Hofstede models in the context of IBs around the world. It also the first to explore the impact of culture on three different disclosure levels for IBs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAdvances in Accounting Behavioral Research
    EditorsKhondkar Karim
    PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
    ISBN (Electronic)978-1784416355
    ISBN (Print)978-1784416362
    Publication statusEarly online - 11 Sept 2017

    Publication series

    NameAdvances in Accounting Behavioral Research
    ISSN (Print)1475-1488


    • Islamic banks
    • Sharia
    • social and financial disclosure
    • Gray-Hofstede cultural model


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