Multi-hierarchy interaction control of a redundant robot using impedance learning

Yiming Jiang, Chenguang Yang, Yaonan Wang, Zhaojie Ju, Yanan Li, Chun-Yi Su

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The control of robots with a compliant joint motion is important for reducing collision forces and improving safety during human robot interactions. In this paper, a multi-hierarchy control framework is proposed for the redundant robot to enable the robot end-effector to physically interact with the unknown environment, while providing compliance to the joint space motion. To this end, an impedance learning method is designed to iteratively update the stiffness and damping parameters of the end-effector with desired performance. In addition, based on a null space projection technique, an extra low stiffness impedance controller is included to improve compliant joint motion behaviour when interaction forces are acted on the robot body. With an adaptive disturbance observer, the proposed controller can achieve satisfactory performance of the end-effector control even with the external disturbances in the joint space. Experimental studies on a 7 DOF Sawyer robot show that the learning framework can not only update the target impedance model according to a given cost function, but also enhance the task performance when interaction forces are applied on the robot body.
Original languageEnglish
Article number102348
Number of pages14
Early online date27 Apr 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2020


  • RCUK
  • EP/S001913
  • robot interaction control
  • impedance control
  • impedance parameters learning
  • null space
  • disturbance observer


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