Multi-modal sensing techniques for interfacing hand prostheses: a review

Yinfeng Fang, Nalinda Hettiarachchi, Dalin Zhou, Honghai Liu

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This paper provides a comprehensive survey of current state of the bio-sensing technologies focusing on hand motion capturing and its application to interfacing hand prostheses. These sensing techniques include electromyography, sonomyography, mechnomyography, electroneurography, electroencephalograhy, electrocorticography, intracortical neural interfaces, near infrared spectroscopy, magnetoencephalography, and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Relevant approaches that interpret bio-signals in the view of prosthetic hand manipulation are discussed as well. Multi-modal sensory fusion provides a new strategy in this area, and the latest multi-modal sensing techniques are surveyed. This paper also outlines the new challenges and directions: 1) exploration of robust sensing technology; 2) multi-modal sensory fusion; 3) online signal processing and learning algorithms; and 4) bio-feedbacks.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6065-6076
JournalIEEE Sensors Journal
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jul 2015


  • Bio-sensing technology
  • electromyography,
  • sonomyography
  • mechnomyography
  • electroencephalograhy,
  • hand prostheses
  • multi-modal sensing


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