Multi-objective H∞ control for vehicle active suspension systems with random actuator delay

Hongyi Li, Honghai Liu, Steve Hand, C. Hilton

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    This article is concerned with the problem of multi-objective H∞ control for vehicle active suspension systems with random actuator delay, which can be represented by signal probability distribution. First, the dynamical equations of a quarter-car suspension model are established for the control design purpose. Secondly, when taking into account vehicle performance requirements, namely, ride comfort, suspension deflection and the probability distributed actuator delay, we present the corresponding dynamic system, which will be transformed to the stochastic system for the problem of multi-objective H∞ controller design. Third, based on the stochastic stability theory, the state feedback controller is proposed to render that the closed-loop system is exponentially stable in mean-square while simultaneously satisfying H∞ performance and the output constraint requirement. The presented condition is expressed in the form of convex optimisation problems so that it can be efficiently solved via standard numerical software. Finally, a practical design example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalInternational Journal of Systems Science
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2011


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