Neo-androgynous management: managing the English further education in an era of neoliberalism?

Stephen Corbett, Karen Johnston*

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The study draws on mixed methods research with further education middle managers across England in order to explore whether there are gendered differences in management. There remain debates about whether there are gender differences in management or leadership. The study adds to this debate with results that reveal that women and men are behaviourally flexible, employing a repertoire of knowledge, competencies and skills, which are not necessarily gendered, in order to manage change in an increasing neoliberal further education working environment. We therefore propose a novel theoretical contribution of neo-androgynous management, which suggests ‘undoing gender’ in management in an education sector that has seen increase in women’s employment.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Education and Work
Early online date13 May 2023
Publication statusEarly online - 13 May 2023


  • androgyny
  • Further education
  • management
  • neoliberalism


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