Neuronal aesthetic plasticity: ‘Does correlation exist between the new level of transience in the experiential info-sphere and an evolved aesthetic relations in the neural networks in the brain?’

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This paper examines with fluid intent the scientific field of Neuroaesthetics, a neurologically derived analysis of aesthetic processing through the empirical study of the neural networks in the brain, in an attempt to position the human brain’s cognitive development in an era of mutable media, simultaneous distributed networks, mass commodification of data and perceived open interaction. The intention is to reflect on the implications for the neural networks inherent in the epistemological development of the human brain in a wider socio-cultural context. Here the human brain is seen as dynamically negotiating the influx of multifarious information often externalized through networked communities, technological convergence and media saturation.

    Does the brain reconfigure itself, through its neuronal plasticity, in a Darwinian attempt to engage or cope with a new level of transience and multiplicity in the experiential info-sphere, and in doing so cannot help but generate a different evolutionary aesthetic paradigm or visual language?

    […] a theoretical framework of neurobiology called neural darwinism or neuroselectionism to construct a means through which an ever-evolving and variable, culturally determined, external objective reality acts to inscribe itself upon the developing brain. [1]

    How does the brain sculpt / restructure itself in response to evolutionary, habitually rapid and simultaneous, techno-cultural data inflection implicit within responsive intelligent systems and distributed / networked media dissemination channels? Does an intellectual response to the question require an adjusted dynamic and malleable aesthetic paradigm implicit in a post-human informational ‘multiplex consciousness’? [2]
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalLeonardo Electronic Almanac
    Publication statusPublished - 22 Nov 2014


    • neuroaesthetics
    • aesthetics
    • culturally sculpted brain
    • cognition
    • imagination
    • creativity
    • perception
    • memes


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