New patterns in wine consumption: the wine by the glass trend

Diletta Acuti, Valentina Mazzoli, Laura Grazzini , Rinaldo Rinaldi

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to advance the understanding of wine by the glass (WBG) consumption as a new growing trend in wine consumption. To this end, the roles of risk perception, wine involvement and variety seeking are investigated in determining WBG purchase intentions.

    Design/methodology/approach: Two studies based on a scenario-based survey have been conducted. In Study 1 (n=248), the relationship between WBG risk perception and WBG purchase intention mediated by variety seeking is tested. In Study 2 (n=200), the relationship between wine involvement and WBG purchase intention with the mediating role of variety seeking is analysed. 

    Findings: Results show that variety seeking plays a key role in determining WBG purchase intentions considering both WBG perceived risk and wine involvement as independent variables.

    Research limitations/implications: The study advances the literature on WBG consumption by enclosing the psychological mechanism (i.e., variety seeking) behind consumers’ WBG purchase intentions. The main limitation of this study lies in it being conducted in a single country (i.e., Italy).

    Practical implications: This paper provides useful guidelines for wine managers. Specifically, variety seeking can attract consumers in new wine consuming places based on a rich assortment. Moreover, it can present a challenge to wine producers in creating brand loyalty. 

    Originality/value: Although WBG is a growing trend in wine consumption, empirical studies are still scant and a deeper comprehension of its antecedents and consequences is needed. By showing variety seeking as the mechanism behind WBG consumption, this study offers a new theoretical explanation of this phenomenon.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalBritish Food Journal
    Early online date3 Sept 2019
    Publication statusEarly online - 3 Sept 2019


    • wine by the glass (WBG)
    • wine consumption
    • variety seeking
    • risk perception


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