Non Additive Robust Ordinal Regression for urban and territorial planning: an application for siting an urban waste landfill

Silvia Angilella, Marta Bottero, Salvatore Corrente, Valentina Ferretti, Salvatore Greco, Isabella M. Lami

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In this paper we deal with an urban and territorial planning problem by applying the Non Additive Robust Ordinal Regression (NAROR). NAROR is a recent extension of the Robust Ordinal Regression family of Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding methods to the Choquet integral preference model which permits to represent interaction between considered criteria through the use of a set of non-additive weights called capacity or fuzzy measure. The use of NAROR permits the Decision Maker (DM) to give preference information in terms of preferences between pairs of alternatives with which she is familiar, and relative importance and interaction of considered criteria. The basic idea of NAROR is to consider the whole set of capacities that are compatible with the preference information given by the DM. In fact, the recommendation supplied by NAROR is expressed in terms of necessary preferences, in case an alternative is preferred to another for all compatible capacities, and of possible preferences, in case an alternative is preferred to another for at least one compatible capacity. In the considered case study, several sites for the location of a landfill are analyzed and compared through the use of the NAROR on the basis of different criteria, such as presence of population, hydrogeological risk, interferences on transport infrastructures and economic cost. This paper is the first application of NAROR to a real-world problem, even if not already with real DMs, but with a panel of experts simulating the decision process.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)427-456
JournalAnnals of Operations Research
Issue number1
Early online date6 Feb 2015
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2016


  • Urban and territorial planning
  • Choquet integral
  • Indirect preference information


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