Numerical investigation of application of unidirectional generation to improve signal interpretation of circumferential guided waves in pipes for defect detection

Alan C. Kubrusy*, Lei Kang, Jean Pierre von der Weid, Steve Dixon

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    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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    Monitoring and inspection of pipes are paramount in several industry sectors. A convenient approach employs shear horizontal ultrasonic guided waves that propagate circumferentially around the pipe, known as CSH waves. Typically, a pair of transducers, a transmitter and a receiver, can be used to interrogate the whole circumference. Conventional shear horizontal transducers generate waves that propagate in both directions, namely, clockwise and counterclockwise. Bidirectional generation complicates the interpretation of the received signal since the scattered waves from a potential defect can mix themselves or with one of the two direct waves generated by the transmitter. In this paper, we address how unidirectional generation can ease the signal interpretation task for circumferential guided wave testing utilizing finite element simulations. Unidirectional generation is based on dual periodic elements transducer driven by phased pulses, following a design previously presented. Generation and reception were performed with separate transducers on the outer surface of a 324 mm outer diameter, 6.25 mm wall thickness steel pipe. Corrosion-like defects were modelled on the inner surface. We show that, when the angular position of the defect approaches 180° from the transmitter, the defect echo can be almost completely masked by the wave generated in the opposite direction. Unidirectional generation of CSH waves proves itself to be an important feature in pipeline integrity monitoring, providing more reliable signal interpretation.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEuropean Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2022, Volume 3
    EditorsPiervincenzo Rizzo, Alberto Milazzo
    PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
    Number of pages10
    ISBN (Electronic)9783031073229
    ISBN (Print)9783031073212
    Publication statusPublished - 22 Jun 2022
    Event10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2022 - Palermo, Italy
    Duration: 4 Jul 20227 Jul 2022

    Publication series

    NameLecture Notes in Civil Engineering
    ISSN (Print)2366-2557
    ISSN (Electronic)2366-2565


    Conference10th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, EWSHM 2022


    • Circumferential guided waves
    • Shear horizontal waves
    • Unidirectional generation


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