Octamerous Rituals: Octamerous Rituals for Solo Piano and Tape

    Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


    Octamerous Rituals for Solo Piano and Tape is a recording of the original work 'Octamerous Rituals' that contains five additional pieces that utilise tape to complement the original composition. Furthermore each of the thirteen movements employ a dialectic between musical material (in terms of pitch, timbre and temporality) that reflects the sometimes binary distinction between traditional and digital music.


    As with the original score, each of the thirteen short pieces has some connection with the number eight. Whether an octatonic scale, an eight-note cluster or a more hidden link, the number eight pervades throughout the whole set of studies.


    The recording was made by the performer/composer by painstakingly editing every midi note in a DAW of the original work in order to create a definitive performance. The additional five movements utilise the original 'recorded' material and employ a progressively more audible use of techniques to create the music.


    The recorded set of pieces are intended to be listened to in their entirety, individually, or combined in any way that the listener wishes. If listening to a recording of the pieces the composer actively encourages utilising the ‘shuffle’ function to obtain a random ordering of the movements in order that the progression from 'acoustic' to 'digital' performance exists solely in the mind of the listener.
    Original languageEnglish
    Media of outputOnline
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2019


    • Music
    • Musical Composition
    • Music Recording
    • Digital Music


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