Official central bank interventions in the foreign exchange markets: a DCC approach with exogenous variables

Nikolaos Antonakakis

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    This paper assesses the impact of official central bank interventions (CBIs) on exchange rate returns, their volatility and bilateral correlations. By exploiting the publication of intervention data by the Bank of England, this study is able to investigate official interventions by a total number of four central banks, while the previous studies have been limited to three banks, namely the Federal Reserve, Bundesbank and Bank of Japan. The results of the existing literature are reappraised and refined. In particular, unilateral CBIs are found to be more successful than coordinated ones. The likely implications of these findings are then discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)36-51
    Number of pages16
    JournalBanks and Bank Systems
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


    • Central bank intervention
    • foreign exchange
    • multivariate GARCH
    • conditional correlation


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