Opportunities in international teacher exchanges

D. Shaffer, G. Davis, K. Jolly, Martyn Roberts, M. Roy

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    Teaching in a foreign country is an exciting opportunity which contains many interesting challenges and rewards. Exchange teachers must understand differences in culture and educational systems which directly effect how students learn. In the process, teachers often rethink their entire teaching strategy, posing important questions about themselves and their disciplines. The resulting perspectives gained by exchangees adds new dimensions to both their professional and personal lives. This panel will consider exchanges involving teachers of computer science, in particular to the United Kingdom. Panelists will explore major differences in both the educational systems and culture which effect exchangees professionally and personally. Specific information will be given about how exchanges are arranged, what can be exchanged (homes, cars, spouses?), and how exchanges affect families.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationSIGCSE '94: proceedings of the twenty-fifth SIGCSE symposium on computer science education
    EditorsR. Beck, D. Goelman
    Place of PublicationNew York, USA
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Print)0897916468
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 1994


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