Organisational learning: foundational building block for acquiring and deploying strategic capabilities

Andrew Lindsay Cox, Mark Xu*

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The capability to acquire, disseminate and apply knowledge (organizational learning-OL) is of paramount importance for organizations in order to sustain long-term survivability and competitiveness. This paper examines, through the lens of the dynamic capability framework, the foundational building block for identifying, acquiring and building strategic capabilities in a specific context of high-level environment dynamism. The paper is based on a study of how organizations in Saudi Arabia deal with the transformative demands associated with high levels of complexity and dynamism in their business ecosystems. A mixed method of semi-structured interviews of senior managers of Saudi organizations and an on-line survey with a cross section of Saudis with extensive experience with Saudi organizations, was adopted to develop a rich narrative of context reality. The study uncovers distinctive features of OL suitable for the context, a causal relationship between organizational learning, leadership and culture as foundational building blocks affecting how strategic capability choices are made and adopted. Although limited in context, this study challenges some theoretical assumptions by formulating a number of research propositions, and proposes the practical implications extend beyond the Saudi Arabian context.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-120
JournalInternational Journal of Strategy and Organisational Learning
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2024


  • strategic capabilities
  • organizational learning
  • organizational culture
  • strategic leadership
  • organizational diversity
  • Saudi business


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