Persuasion in politics: a textbook

A. Partington, Charlotte Taylor

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Intended as a textbook for courses in politics, media and communication studies, this volume looks at the relationship among politicians, the press and the public through the language they employ. Topics include persuasion and "spin"; political metaphors; slogans, soundbites and rhetorical figures; ways of arguing (from the logical to the non-logical but nevertheless effective argument); news interviewing techniques; humour, irony and satire; and how to praise and how to blame. Texts considered range from extracts by Dr Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela to thoughts by and about Barack Obama and his election campaign to the infamous BBC Paxman - Blair interview. Each unit contains a wide variety of practical examples and student exercises with keys. About the authors: Alan Partington is Associate Professor of English linguistics at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Bologna. Charlotte Taylor is Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics, School of Languages, University of Portsmouth.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationMilan
Number of pages180
ISBN (Print)9788879164320
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Publication series

NameLingue di oggi


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