Phase space Heisenberg-limited estimation of the average phase shift in a Mach–Zehnder interferometer

Dario Gatto, Paolo Facchi, Vincenzo Tamma

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We address the problem of distributed quantum metrology with a single squeezed-vacuum source by using the formalism of quantum mechanics in phase space. In particular, we demonstrate Heisenberg-limited sensitivity in the measurement of the average of two arbitrary phase shifts in the arms of a Mach–Zehnder interferometer. We obtain exact results for the measurement probability at the interferometer output for any value of the phases, which give us insight into the emergence of Heisenberg-limited sensitivity for periodical values of the phases.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Quantum Information
Early online date18 Feb 2020
Publication statusEarly online - 18 Feb 2020


  • quantum metrology
  • Heisenberg limit
  • quantum optics
  • squeezed states


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