Police and performance related pay: an exploratorystudy of rewarding individual performance in the police service

Richard Tonge, Hugh Coombs, Mickyla Batcheler

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    The objective of this exploratory study is to assess the perceptions of a group of serving police officers of relating pay and performance within a county police service. The research project has two key elements - a literature survey and a qualitative case study which together form the basis for the study. The study includes interviews with a sample group of police officers of varying rank. The police service relies on the use of multi-skilled teams in order to work effectively. Academics have suggested that PRP can be divisive and this paper concludes that an individually based PRP system will act to demotivate frontline police officers. The consensus of participants was that the introduction of such a system would be at expense of the quality of service delivery.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)21-33
    JournalJournal of Finance and Management in Public Services
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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