Post-coloniality: the French dimension

Research output: Book/ReportBook


"Postcolonial theory" has become one of the key issues of scholarly debates worldwide; debates, so the author argues, which have become rather sterile and are characterized by a repetitive reworking of old hackneyed issues, focussing on cultural questions of language and identity in particular. Gradually, a gulf has emerged between Anglophone and Francophone thinking in this area. The author investigates the causes for the apparent stagnation that has overtaken much of the current debate and explores the particular characteristics of French global strategy and cultural policy, as well as the divergent responses to current debates on globalization. Outlining in particular the contribution of thinkers such as Cesaire, Senghor, Memmi, Sartre and Fanon to the worldwide development of anti-imperialist ideas, she offers a critical perspective on the ongoing difficulties of France's relationship with its colonial and postcolonial 'Others' and suggests new lines of thought that are currently emerging in the Francophone world, which may have the capacity to take these debates.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationOxford
PublisherBerghahn Books
Number of pages310
ISBN (Print)9781845452520
Publication statusPublished - 2007


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