Post-conflict urban resilience

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    Conflict has been one of the devastating events that affect the urban environment and turn cities down into disturbed physical, urban and social conditions. The confused urban environment further establishes unsettled social and economic environments for inhabitants even after the war has terminated. This can be recognise nowadays in many cities where the armed conflict has stopped for few years (e.g. Bagdad in Iraq and Homs and Aleppo in Syria, where a higher level of deprivation, poverty, homelessness and insecurity has been established. Urban regeneration is a mean by which these effects can be eliminated. Thus, insisting questions can be addressed here: what should be the aim of post-conflict urban regeneration and what is the best approach to resilience?
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationResilient Communities. Italian Pavilion Venice Biennale 2021
    PublisherD Editore
    Publication statusAccepted for publication - 2020


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