Post-warranty maintenance strategy selection using shape packages process

Ahmed Noaman Karar, Ashraf Labib, Dylan Jones

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It is fair to assume that selection of a post-warranty maintenance strategy is one of the main challenges the capital-good owners face; however, there is relatively little research done in this area. This paper aims to assist asset owners in selecting the equipment maintenance package at the warranty termination time; it proposes the shape package process (SPP), which represents a comprehensive process that facilitates the choice between multiple packages, considering the cost and risk associated with each package.

The main novelty of this paper is introducing two new parameters to compare maintenance packages: the risk reduction factor (RRF) to assess the maintenance task effectiveness in reducing non-financial risk and the value-added indicator (VAI) to evaluate the task efficiency in reducing the financial risk. Additionally, the suggested process includes mapping the risk profile associated with each package, enabling a cost-cutting process where the tasks with less value and risk mitigation can be easily identified and eliminated.

A case study then demonstrates the process flexibility in comparing different maintenance packages using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP); while presenting RRF and VAI at the task and package levels when implemented in a cooling water system to select the post-warranty maintenance package from
an asset owner's perspective.
Original languageEnglish
Article number108702
Number of pages18
JournalInternational Journal of Production Economics
Early online date4 Nov 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2023


  • post-warranty
  • maintenance strategy
  • analytical hierarchy process
  • case study


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