Practitioner-perceived challenges of English for ARTISTIC Purposes

Jennifer Sizer

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This presentation will reflect on the experience of delivering an in-sessional English for ARTISTIC purposes course for students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds studying a range of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in the faculty of Creative and Cultural Industries, such as graphic design, film production, and architecture. This optional, non-credit bearing course consists of 24 weeks of two hour sessions with two reflective in-class assessments.
In this talk I will outline practitioner-perceived challenges related to:
1. developing subject-specific expertise (knowledge and understanding) in less explored ESAP disciplines: arts and humanities - specifically arts.
2. determining level of specificity: discipline-specific (arts and humanities)/ faculty-specific (Creative and Cultural Industries)/ school specific (art and design, creative technologies, media and performing arts, and architecture) /subject specific e.g. illustration
3. collaborating with receiving faculty and schools and other university-wide stakeholders
4. evaluating effectiveness of ESAP course and use of reflection as an assessment and feedback tool.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 2017
EventESAP Conference 2017: English for Specific Academic Purposes Conference 2017 - Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Duration: 13 May 201713 May 2017


ConferenceESAP Conference 2017
Internet address


  • EAP
  • ESAP


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