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Industrial Project to create a prototype climbing robot
Collie, A., Cooke, D., Sanders, D., White, T., Bevan, N. & Hewer, N.
1/02/00 → 31/01/01
Project: Innovation
European BRITE/EURAM Project - Climbing and walking robots and support technologies for mobile robotic machines
Collie, A., Cooke, D., Virk, G., Sanders, D., White, T. & Billingsley, J.
1/02/98 → 31/01/02
Project: Research
European Teleman project: Teleoperated vehicle system for remote inspection in hazardous environments - Sensor integration, fault tolerance and control systems for inspection.
Collie, A., Luk, B. L., Cooke, D., Virk, G., White, T., Sanders, D., Hewer, N., Chen, S., Billingsley, J., Urwin-Wright, S. D. & Bevan, N.
1/01/93 → 1/02/96
Project: Research
European Eureka Project - PROgraMme for a European Traffic of Highest Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety (PROMETHEUS)
Stuart, J. & Sanders, D.
7/03/87 → 14/11/92
Project: Research