Prediction of transient temperature distributions for laser welding of dissimilar metals

Partha Sarathi Ghosh, Abhishek Sen, Somnath Chattopadhyaya, Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Shashi Parkash Dwivedi, Ambuj Saxena, Aqib Mashood Khan, Danil Yurievich Pimenov, Khaled Giasin

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    Distribution of temperature during the welding process is essential for predicting and realizing some important welding features such as microstructure of the welds, heat-affected zone (HAZ), residual stresses, and their effects. In this paper, a numerical model was developed using COMSOL Multiphysics of dissimilar laser welding (butt joint) of AISI 316L and Ti6Al4V thin sheet of 2.5 mm thickness. A continuous mode (CW) fiber laser heat source of 300W laser power was used for the present study. A time-dependent prediction of temperature distributions was attempted. The heat source was assumed as a Hermit–Gaussian analytical function with a moving velocity of 120 mm/min. Both convective and radiant heat loss and phase change of the materials were considered for the analysis. In addition, variation of temperature-dependent material properties was also considered. The maximum and minimum temperature for the two materials at different times and the temperature in the different penetration depths were also predicted. It was found that the average temperature that can be achieved in the bottom-most surface near the weld line was more than 2400K, which justifies the penetration. Averages of maximum temperatures on the weld line at different times at the laser spot irradiation were identified near 3000K.The temperature fluctuation near the weld line was minimal and decreased more in the traverse direction. Scanning with a displaced laser relative to the interface toward the Ti6Al4V side reduces the maximum temperature at the interface and the HAZ of the 316L side. All of these predictions agree well with the experimental results reported in current literature studies.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number5829
    Number of pages24
    JournalApplied Sciences (Switzerland)
    Issue number13
    Publication statusPublished - 23 Jun 2021


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