This ground-breaking edited collection explores the challenges of preserving complex digital objects such as simulations, visualizations, digital art and video games. Drawing on the outputs of the JISC-funded Preservation of Complex Objects (POCOS) symposia, enhanced with specialist pathfinder solutions, this book covers topics such as the legal and technical challenges of preservation, curation and authority, and digital archaeology.
Written by international experts from a broad background of library, collecting institutions, information and computer science, and digital preservation backgrounds, this collection showcases the state of the art of the discipline and brings together stakeholder perspectives from across the preservation community.
Written by international experts from a broad background of library, collecting institutions, information and computer science, and digital preservation backgrounds, this collection showcases the state of the art of the discipline and brings together stakeholder perspectives from across the preservation community.
Original language | English |
Publisher | Facet |
Number of pages | 224 |
ISBN (Print) | 9781856049580 |
Publication status | Published - 1 Jun 2014 |