Probability backflow for correlated quantum states

Arseni Goussev

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In its original formulation, quantum backflow (QB) is an interference effect that manifests itself as a negative probability transfer for free-particle states comprised of plane waves with only positive momenta. Quantum reentry (QR) is another interference effect in which a wave packet expanding from a spatial region of its initial confinement partially returns to the region in the absence of any external forces. Here we show that both QB and QR are special cases of a more general classically forbidden probability flow for quantum states with certain position-momentum correlations. We further demonstrate that it is possible to construct correlated quantum states for which the amount of probability transferred in the “wrong” (classically impossible) direction exceeds the least upper bound on the corresponding probability transfer in the QB and QR problems, known as the Bracken-Melloy constant.
Original languageEnglish
Article number033206
Number of pages10
JournalPhysical Review Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 6 Aug 2020


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