Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Formal Methods

Joseph Morris (Editor), Benjamin Aziz (Editor), Frédéric Oehl (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


IWFM'03 is the Sixth International Workshop in Formal Methods. It follows in the series of workshops organised by the Irish Formal Methods Special Interest Group (IFMSIG) and previously known as the Irish Workshop in Formal Methods. This year it was held in Dublin City University on 11 July, 2003.

The workshop has traditionally been an occasion for scholars and industry experts from Europe and further a field to share knowledge and develop ideas within the general scope of the workshop, which covers a wide range of topics related to formal methods and foundations of computing.

The series focuses primarily the following topics: (i) Formal methods for security, including formal models of secrecy, authenticity, availability, etc. and security-motivated extensions of language formalisms. (ii) Tool development, in particular model checking, theorem proving and static analysis. (iii) Specification, verification and validation of infinite-state systems. (iv) Foundations, including topologies, category theory and unifying theories. (v) Formal methods in software engineering and hardware development.

The papers published in the proceedings were all refereed by an international programme committee. In addition, David L. Parnas of and Michael Rusinowitch gave invited talks.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherBCS Learning and Development
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2003

Publication series

NameElectronic Workshops in Computing
ISSN (Electronic)1477-9358


  • Formal Methods


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