Protecting the protectors: moral injury, coping styles, and mental health of UK Police Officers and staff investigating child sexual abuse material

Peter Lee, Paul Conway*, Theresa Redmond, Samantha Lundigran, Deanna Davy, Simon Bailey

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Police officers and staff who investigate child sexual abuse material (CSAM) may be at elevated risk for mental health problems, which may be mitigated or exacerbated by institutional and interpersonal factors. The current work examined mental health in a large sample of UK CSAM investigators (N = 661). Results suggest substantially elevated rates of depression and anxiety but not posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Feeling successful and supported powerfully buffered against negative outcomes, whereas moral injury—particularly feelings of institutional betrayal—predicted worse outcomes. Although exposure to CSAM and contact with victims predicted worse outcomes, these effects were much smaller. Regarding coping styles, self-blame, rumination, catastrophizing, withdrawal, ignoring, and negative religious coping predicted worse outcomes, whereas positive refocusing, seeking distraction, and social support were effective. These results held controlling for demographics. These results suggest that UK CSAM police officers and staff experience elevated depression and anxiety, but institutional and interpersonal support can buffer outcomes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1854312
Number of pages25
JournalDepression and Anxiety
Publication statusPublished - 23 Nov 2024


  • child sexual assault
  • coping styles
  • mental health
  • moral injury
  • police


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