Public perceptions of private security in shopping malls: a comparison of the United Kingdom and South Korea

Hyunho Kim, Mark Button, Julak Lee

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This paper provides one of the first comparative empirical studies of private policing in equivalent shopping malls in the UK and Korea. The paper is based upon 200 interviews with customers who visited the malls, 200 h observation and 39 interviews with security officers and other stakeholders. The paper builds upon the traditional orientations of security officers as either ‘watchmen’ or ‘parapolice’ to offer a third ‘servicemen’ orientation. The paper also illustrates a variety of other differences in roles and shows the generally positive views of the public towards private security.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Law, Crime and Justice
Early online date12 Mar 2018
Publication statusEarly online - 12 Mar 2018


  • private security
  • comparative research
  • UK
  • South Korea
  • shopping malls


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