Quality issues in the Egyptian public sector

Barbara Savage, A. Labib, M. El-Feky

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    It has long been accepted that quality management plays a key role in organisational success. However, the evidence to support this view relies very heavily on studies of private sector companies in the Western world. In the case of the public sector, there has been much less research, although interest is clearly increasing. Though the characteristics of organisational success in the public sector are much less well understood, that research which has been done tends to show a reasonable level of congruence with findings in the private sector. But once again, the focus has been on the West. This paper seeks to review the relatively rare studies of quality activities in organisations in Arab countries, with a view to assessing similarities and differences against the accepted Western view.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2005
    Event10th World Congress on Total Quality Management - Winnipeg, Canada
    Duration: 22 Aug 200524 Aug 2005


    Conference10th World Congress on Total Quality Management


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