Quality of Working Life and the Police

Simon Easton, Darren Van Laar, Rachel Marlow-Vardy

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article reviews the development of the concept of quality of working life (QoWL) and its application to the police service setting. The assessment of QoWL and is discussed and a new measure of QoWL are presented. The WRQoL survey[1] comprises of 23 items measured on a five point Likert scale (1-Strongly Disagree, 5-Strongly Agree). The reliability of the WRQoL scale as measured by Cronbach’s Alpha has been shown to be 0.94. The opportunity to obtain valid assessment of QoWL in the police service provides a basis for informed and targeted interventions which can be associated with enhancement of quality of working life of staff, improved performance and reduction of costs. The Work-Related Quality of Life scale is an established assessment measure which shows promise as a valid measure for use in the promotion of quality of working life among police service staff. Published evaluations of the Work-Related Quality of Life scale indicate that this measure provides a reliable and valid assessment of the key factors affecting the work experience of respondents, and may serve as a basis for surveys of staff in the police service setting.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)135-141
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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