QVIZ - Query and context based visualization of time-spatial cultural dynamics: exploitation Plan D8.1

P. Andren, L. Albornos, M. Bergman, B. Mulrenin, S. Gelfgren, J. Lagrelius, F. Palm, Humphrey Southall

    Research output: Working paper

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    The purpose of the exploitation plan is to outline the future of the QVIZ project and the use of the valuable knowledge resulting from the project. The key objective of the project is to enhance and facilitate the access to digital archival material. Therefore the main target group for the exploitation are the content providers, but also the national and European policy makers, researchers and developers that contribute to an enhanced accessibility in the cultural heritage sector and therefore ultimately the end-users in the general public.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationUmeå, Sweden
    PublisherUmeå University
    Number of pages55
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Apr 2008


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