Recycling Infrastructure in Britain and Germany

Ian Bailey, Alan Collins, Richard O'Doherty

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    The legal, environmental and economic ramifications of the Dual System and UK Packaging Regulations have been the subject of considerable academic debate in recent years. Although it is generally agreed that the German packaging waste system has yet to achieve economic efficiency, opinions are divided as to its environmental merits. Michaelis (1995), Eichstadt, et al. (1999) and the European Commission (CEC, 2000c) suggest that the Packaging Ordinance has promoted higher levels of recycling in German but Staudt (1997) and Flanderka (1998) dispute the environmental worth of the DSD, arguing that recycling was already increasing before the Green Dot was introduced. There is, nevertheless, general agreement that design defects in the UK Packaging Regulations have significantly hampered Britain’s effects to achieve the recovery and recycling targets set by the Packaging Waste Directive. The main foci of concern have been the effects of market-based trading in PRNs and whether such a system can achieve both its economic and environmental objectives (O’Doherty and Bailey, 2000).
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationNew environmental policy instruments in the European Union
    Subtitle of host publicationpolitics, economics and the implementation of the packaging waste directive
    EditorsIan Bailey
    Place of PublicationAldershot
    PublisherAshgate Publishing Limited
    ISBN (Print)0754608883
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


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