Reflecting on Reflections: hosting the 2010 Arclib Conference

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


    “It will be good for me,” I tried to convince myself when Norman and Jane asked if perhaps, I would consider hosting the next conference. Well, I had seen that it was possible to organise an enjoyable and useful conference. I had enjoyed Sarah’s Cardiff conference and Joan’s Liverpool conference very much; my only two ARCLIB experiences. Also, professionally, I have issues with saying ‘no’, although my husband doesn’t believe me! I couldn’t let down all of those members who wanted a seaside conference; even though I think most people thought of Portsmouth as an industrial dockyard!
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)11
    Number of pages1
    JournalARCLIB Bulletin
    Issue number16
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2010


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