Reflection on fitness to practise

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Aim - The focus of this review was to identify the role of reflection in continuing dental education. By understanding the expectations that our statutory regulative authority has of their registrants there is an opportunity to help to shape the Continued Professional Development activities undertaken by current registrants in the future.

Objective - Conduct a review of General Dental Council Fitness to Practise cases which were given conditions (restrictions) between February 2012 and November 2015, identifying relevant emergent outcomes in relation the Fitness to Practice (FTP) process.

Design - A Framework Approach (FA) was used to interrogate the qualitative data generated from GDC cases, the data were reviewed by a secondary person to ensure inter-rater reliability. Ethical approval was not sought for this research project as the GDC cases are published and available for open access via the internet. However, this does not negate the need for consideration of those GDC registrants who have been reviewed by the Fitness to Practise process. Indeed, information regarding their identities was removed during data collection, as individual identification as part of this research project may have impacted on these individuals (bearing in mind the principle of non-maleficence; do no harm) and disclosure of personal information would not have contributed to the findings of this review. Although FTP cases are in the public domain, the information is still sensitive to those registrants; therefore it was not possible to review those cases which were not available for public view. To ensure that individual identification of registrants did not occur for the available to view cases (n=56), each case file was individually downloaded from the GDC website and immediately given an individual numerical identifier prior to the frame work analysis. For the purpose of this research only the data from the FTP cases which resulted in ‘conditions’ were subject to review, as these were cases where it was felt that the registrants were able to remedy their personal professional practices.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)495-498
Number of pages4
JournalBritish Dental Journal
Early online date21 Oct 2016
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2016


  • reflective practice
  • education
  • Dental education
  • Practice
  • qualitative analysis
  • frameworks


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