Research-led innovation to deliver sustainable wastewater and drainage technologies

Timothy Grant Holloway, John Williams, Fay Couceiro, Saskia Benzing, Ashley Lawrence

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The “third mission” of universities encompasses a range of activities including University Industry Collaboration (UIC), which has a long and celebrated history in wastewater research and development. The factors determining the success of UIC have been investigated by a number of researchers with motivation, absorptive capacity and trust being often cited as significant. Universities and governments around the world have programmes in place to promote this activity. This paper considers the landscape for UIC for wastewater research and innovation in the UK and then looks at two case studies from the University of Portsmouth. One with a large water utility and one with a small to medium size company who supply package plants and other solutions for larger sites. Both collaborations are based around a unique field station facility, which allows large-scale trials with onsite laboratories with several example projects detailed. The UICs are analysed according to the proposed models for success to understand how motivation, adsorptive capacity and trust have been addressed.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationTowards a Sustainable Water Future
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of Oman’s International Conference on Water Engineering and Management of Water Resources, OICWE 2020
EditorsAtef Badr, Jean Venables
PublisherICE Publishing Ltd.
Number of pages20
ISBN (Electronic)9780727765260
ISBN (Print)9780727765253
Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2021
EventOman’s International Conference on Water Engineering and Management of Water Resources: OICWE 2020 - Virtual, Muscat, Oman
Duration: 9 Nov 202111 Nov 2021


ConferenceOman’s International Conference on Water Engineering and Management of Water Resources
Abbreviated titleOICWE 2020
Internet address


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