Responsible project data analytics: the case of social media

Nigel Leroy Williams, Nicole Ferdinand, Beverly Pasian

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Projects now incorporate va more comprehensive range of data, including temperature, pressure, Bluetooth signals, provide real-time insights into the context and location-based conditions. Organizational business processes have also changed to incorporate distributed sources of knowledge and practices, such as open data, open innovation, and open- source software . Social sharing websites, such as Github, have been developed to enable the collaborative distribution, modification, and improvement of software code and programming practices, allowing rapid adoption of new data processing techniques. Public institutions have also embraced open data practices that encourage the sharing of data and research. While research studies use specific analytical techniques to generate academic insights, little effort has been made to examine how the project research community can incorporate these approaches to improve the research process. This is somewhat surprising as project work, in uncertain and temporally ambiguous environments in which sense-making is difficult, often results in suboptimal outcomes or project failure. A related issue is that the temporal nature of projects requires immediate, contextual insights since there is rarely a prolonged stable period for longitudinal analysis. Data may be valuable before particular milestones or decisions of little value have passed. Using this data to create project insights requires integrating data management processes, infrastructure, and human competencies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSocial Media for Project Management
EditorsJohan Ninan
PublisherCRC Press Inc
Number of pages16
ISBN (Electronic)9781003215080
ISBN (Print)9781032103785
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2022


  • data analytics
  • responsible project management
  • social media
  • text analysis
  • network analysis


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