Rethinking knowledge creation in information technology and tourism

Wenjie Cai, Brad McKenna, Philipp Wassler, Nigel Leroy Williams

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    This letter is a rejoinder to Xiang, Fesenmaier, and Werthner (2020), who responded to our letter to the editor about knowledge creation in information technology and tourism (ITT) research (Cai and McKenna 2020). We believe the authors have misinterpreted our claims and failed to address our main points in relation to the lack of theoretical and methodological development of ITT. Therefore, we address and clarify some misunderstandings in their response. We also elaborate on our ideas for broadening the paradigmatic boundaries of ITT research and opening up potential topics to tackle wider social issues. In addition, we provide more guidance for the growth and development of ITT through broadening boundaries, methodology and theorizing, as well as knowledge dissemination.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1377-1384
    Number of pages8
    JournalJournal of Travel Research
    Issue number6
    Early online date4 Aug 2020
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2021


    • information technology and tourism
    • knowledge creation
    • theoretical development
    • methodlogical development
    • knowledge dissemination


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