Review essay: the mark of Cain: war, media and morality

Kevin McSorley

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Televisual and cinematic documentaries and dramatizations have long been important resources through which the events and morality of war may be remembered, rethought and re-fought. Manchel (1995: p84), for example, contends, with some regret, that Schindler’s List is now “the most important source of historical information affecting popular perceptions of the Holocaust”. Reviewing ‘The War Tapes’, an actualité feature shot by 10 soldiers of the New Hampshire National Guard in Iraq on camcorders, Lewis (2006) asserts that, “if it feels at times like The Wild Bunch, Paths of Glory or Full Metal Jacket, then that’s no accident. The War Tapes is .. about people who watch war movies, made by people who watch war movies”.
Original languageEnglish
JournalThe War and Media Network
Publication statusPublished - 2007


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