Rights-based review of border surveillance

Elif Kuskonmaz, Elspeth Guild

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


Following the expiration of a 2006 agreement signed between Canada and the EU on the transfer of passenger information for counter-terrorism and serious crime purposes in 2009, the parties started the negotiations for a new agreement in 2010. After four-years of negotiations, they agreed on a draft agreement in June 2015. Nevertheless, the European Parliament sought for an Opinion form the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ) in November 2014. The ECJ published the Opinion in May 2017, holding that the Agreement could not be signed in its current form, as it was not compatible with the EU fundamental rights framework. This case review analysis the Opinion in light of the privacy and data protection standards enshrined in EU law.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Charter and the Court of Justice of the European Union: Notable Cases from 2016-2018
PublisherWolf Legal Publishers
Publication statusAccepted for publication - 27 Jun 2019


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